
Just like you, like me, like everybody else


07-11-2013, 11:14 PM

Roberto was a simple creature. He had simple desires and no plans of any sort for his future. He took life one day at a time, never really knowing what to do with himself. He could catch a scent and follow it for miles and that's how he entertained himself. That's what he was doing today, following this metallic, dirty scent, trying to figure out what it was. He sighed and looked sadly at one of the dark patches that radiated the scent around him. It was a mystery that he wasn't sure how to solve.

Suddenly a voice spoke up behind him, breaking his attention. His ears perked up instantly and he turned to see the deep brown and white marked brute. Bob's mood was instantly lifted. So he wasn't alone out here after all. He considered the stranger's comment for a moment. He didn't belong here? And why not? He hadn't smelled any of the pack's scents here and he would have smelled them if they had been there, he was sure of it. So why shouldn't he be here? It seemed a little rude to him for the stranger to automatically assume things, but Bob quickly lost interest in worrying about it. He had someone to talk to! That's all that mattered.

"I was tracking this scent!" he answered simply with a nod, beaming happily at the stranger. "I do that. I track scents. Alot. I'm good at it." It suddenly dawned on him that the brute might know what the scent was from and his eyes grew wide with curiosity and his head tipped to the side. "Can you tell me what that smell is? That metally smell? It's coming from these spots all over the ground." He looked at the wolf expectantly, eager to hear his answer.
