
Pain Is Merely Weakness Leaving The Body



07-11-2013, 11:16 PM

The chocolate and white male stood on the shore of Alacritis and looked at the ring of islands that lay before him. Some would be intimidating to get to for most. Some would take the easy route and just take the little strip of land from the mainland to the island it connected to. He was not most wolves. Even as a child he'd been instructed to push ans strain his body or else he would never get stronger. So with a determined look on his face the male slowly entered the water. Out of all the islands to choose from he headed to the most challenging and foreboding looking island. Black island. Even in the distance he could see the black clouds swirling around it. He was aware of the dangers it would take to get to it, but oh it'd be worth it. Oh so worth it in the end and rewarding as well. He had goals. So many goals. This would merely be a start that led to these goals.

It was a grueling process. He'd chosen the right time of day to swim to such a place. The waters were calmer and didn't threaten him as much. It seemed as though he'd go without challenge. If only he knew what lurked beneath him. The barracuda was a fearsome sea beast, however it was not interested in him and about a mile off a shark lingered. Nothing touched him and the strong swimmer went unharmed throughout his whole journey.

Eventually the waterlogged brute's paws touched the sandy beach. He drug himself from the salty sea and shook himself free of any excess water. He was still damp, but he hardly cared. He would be dry in due time. For now he had bigger and better things to worry about. Like overtaking the island and researching what it held. If he liked the place enough and it was suitable enough he'd settle down and make a den here for himself and call the island home. Already the trek to get here was tiresome. He still had energy. Quite a bit of it actually, but that was only because of thickly built muscles that he trained properly every day. Any other wolf that didn't uphold their body to such standards. They obviously wouldn't be able to get here as quick, therefore he would be left in solitude for the most part.

With that thought in mind the beast set off to do some reconnaissance. For the most part the male was somewhat impressed. Even though the place had thick clouds looming above it he liked it. It made it dark and eerie. It blocked out the sunlight and provided the island with rain. Rain led to the growth of vegetation and more vegetation meant prey that wouldn't migrate anywhere because it was an island. Where would they go? Risk traveling the ocean and being snatched up by a shark? He didn't think so. This thought pleased him. It meant this home would be perfect.

What he wasn't quite ready for was the amount of poisonous things that crossed his path. More than once he could see a brightly colored snake cross his path. It made him wonder what other exotic life this island contained. It was obvious he couldn't explore it all, but he would see enough of it to appease his thoughts of making it home.

Including the snakes he also noticed poisonous flowers. One bite of one and it would kill you. This was an amusing thought to him and it even brought on a chuckle. A rare occasion for the stoic creature. Those would certainly come in handy. Along with his knowledge of things that killed you he'd also been thought simple herbs that would heal you. He'd been trained as the perfect assassin. He could even heal his own wounds if he got into some sort of trouble. Even knew of herbs to cure sicknesses as well as fighting. He was a decent hunter as well. It was what made him perfect at his job. Of course he had weaknesses, but there was no reason to share those.

With these observations in mind the brute continued his trek further inland to explore some more. If he found a good spot he'd settle down and call it home.
