
Fyre and Moonlight [Ignatius]



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
01-12-2019, 05:05 PM
Nodding along as she spoke of the benefits to an alliance, Ignatius figured he'd take her word for it. He definitely could see the potential for benefits on both sides of friendly agreements, but he was severely lacking in first-hand experience in this area. His education on leadership had been a bit... Skewed away from the art of such negotiations. Not surprising really, there were only two groups in his homeland and they had been temporarily at peace during his puphood. "I hope to see soon for myself what benefits we might both reap from working together. Even if it is only the exchange of information I will be pleased. Support from others will always be a valuable commodity to me as I've not always been so fortunate." The crimson man did his best to not be too excited about the possibilities that alliances might bring. Despite the smile on his lips, a weariness remained in his heart that said he ought to avoid trusting anyone entirely.

A nearly imperceptible lifting of one brow might betray his uncertainty as she went on about festivals in Boreas. Mostly it was the implication of other lands further away that piqued his interest, but he'd put that to the back of his mind for a moment and focus on her ideas.

Speaking with slow consideration, Ignatius looked thoughtfully at the shimmering younger woman. "Attending and hosting such things sounds like something I would be quite interested in." There was a slight pause as he considered his next words, brows furrowing as indecision flickered in his eyes. As soon as it was there, it disappeared and his smile returned, though it looked just a bit different than it had before. "All the activities you mention do sound enjoyable. So far as gladiatorial events, I find it funny that you mention that. Back home we had such customs, they were..." brutal "A very big part of the culture of my father's people. I was on the fence about bringing such things to my pack here as I wasn't sure how they would be received, but perhaps knowing that others have showed interest in such events should be the sign I need to go ahead." Taking a breath, he shook out his shaggy flame-hued pelt before asking, "What sort of ideas have you thought of for yours?"