
warts and all



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-12-2019, 05:05 PM

Valentine was quiet as he thought over Rhythm's question. What did he want? Besides the obvious, of course. The slavers were a no brainer. He wanted them dead, but answering with that felt like a cop out. His thoughts had been consumed by their existence long enough that it was hard to shift gears and think past them. If - when - they were dead, what would he want then?

He wanted all of his family together again; a united front. What else did he want... He wanted all of his grandchildren close so he could tell them all the things he held dear. That he wanted them to be strong. He wanted to make them understand that they are superior; titans who stand head and shoulders above the useless masses. He wanted them to know how superior their blood and name were and to teach them to hold themselves to a higher standard and to strive to lay claim to whatever they wanted because it was theirs if they could take it.

He wanted to grow old(er) with Rhythm. Now more than ever he wasn't sure she was made for his world, but he wanted her there. Even though her heart was hard when it came to those who had hurt her Valentine wasn't convinced she was prepared to see him at his worst or to stand by his decisions. His worst came a lot more often now and he was unwilling to change.

Valentine snorted a soft, humorless laugh. "I want to pick up where I left off with Imperium. Sometimes I worry my children have been on their own for so long they've forgotten who we are." He loathed the idea of them going soft in mind or body and being unworthy of their name. The worry seemed unfounded...and yet it lingered. He worried the powerful family he'd sought to build wouldn't last more than a generation or two before giving way to the weak ways of the masses.

"But that's a bit like getting you the moon, isn't it," he said dryly. "I want to drag all these grandkids of mine in and make them listen. Got all these years behind me, I must know a thing or two worth passing on, right? I want..." He shot a glance at Rhythm. "To get to know you again."


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.