
Popping like Popcorn



10 Years
Extra large

Valentines 2020
01-13-2019, 10:48 AM
The wolf introduced himself as the alpha of a pack, saying it was one of his neighbors, and Chaos pricked his ears. Well, well, well, so this was one of the packs that had already been setting their boundary markers when he'd laid claim to his birthplace, eh? He was going to be awfully disappointed if he'd come here looking for an alliance, because Chaos really wasn't the alliance type...

But a beat later the wolf spoke of trade alliances, and Chaos tilted his head slightly, interested despite himself. It implied that the male wasn't looking for the traditional mutual aid pact that Imperium had had with Abaven once upon a time, or the sort of 'please don't attack me I swear I won't attack you' alliances most of the goody-goody sort of packs constantly solicited, but rather one that was entirely trade based. No one had ever offered him that restricted of an alliance before since most alliance-seekers seemed to be more interested in not getting attacked by his pack, so Chaos wasn't quite sure what to think.

He seated himself to give him time to choose his words, since all he really had prepared for alliances was 'no'. "What," he began slowly, eyeing the other male, "did you have in mind?" He wasn't going to agree to anything without seeing all the small print, of course, because he certainly wasn't willing to give up any modicum of freedom to do whatever the hell he wanted, but he also wasn't opposed to the idea of exchanging something for something else on occasion.

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Unless otherwise mentioned as absent, assume that both Great Horned owl companions are nearby
Chaos speaks in a strong lisp, which I am usually too lazy to write