
I am Not My Own



07-11-2013, 11:54 PM

She didn't know what the future would bring, she could only hope and pray that everything would turn out how it was supposed to. She wished she had paid more attention to the pregnancies she had witnessed, their information or what she gathered of it was particularly invaluable now. She had seen a few different examples in her mother's pack, some very pleasant and some were not so much. She tried not to think about the later of these, it got incredibly scary and in reality she wasn't actually ready for it yet. She stopped suddenly as the thoughts burst into her mind.
She had never felt fear such as this before, the flash of memory was startling. A pale she wolf with blood covering her den, and the three lifeless lumps that were scattered around her. Shivers ran up her spine, she had suppressed the memory once she had retreated from the scene. Now it came back to her, as vivid and awful as the first time she encountered it. The shaking was obvious in her limbs, she looked to Cherokee with a look of terror as the memory washed over her. She knew she would be scaring him but words were unable to fall from her lips. She took in deep breaths trying to calm herself.
She had to get out of the den, back out into the air she was too cramped it was too much like that day. The smells came back to her, the metallic tang of blood mixed with that of birth and death. She coughed and started to sputter, retreating from Cherokee's warm grasp and quickly back out into the open. She burst into the sun taking deep breaths as the memory finally faded. Her head was down, close to the earth in case she decided to try and lose the contents of her stomach. She whined a bit as the fear settled in her, with a quick turn of her head she searched for her mate with mismatched eyes, his comfort everything she needed. "Cherokee, I'm so scared," she whispered to him.
