
Kitty Go Bye Bye

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-13-2019, 04:33 PM
As she began to teach her apprentice healing, she would begin to carry around herbs with her more frequently, she was teaching Actaea the process of identifying them, drying them, and practising with them in general. So with some luck, she wasn’t far from a clump of harvested herbs as she heard the call.

She grabbed them and made her way over to Acere, hearing the trouble in his call. Not completely sure what to expect, she would find the white fighter injured, and Actaea looking on in worry.

She clicked her tongue as she surveyed the scene, and Winter came down from the skies to survey her, tilting her head as she looked at the wolf. “Bring me cobweb from my den.” she asked of the bird, she didn’t have nearly enough for the amount of injuries she could see already.

“Alright old man.” she said to the wold who was perhaps a year younger than her. “What did you get yourself into?” she looked to her apprentice, who was already at her side. “First, sniff for internal bleeding. Is there the scent of blood in his mouth or nose? Then find the worst injuries, we deal with these issues first and make our way down the list.” she instructed her pupil. Yes, she was going to use the misfortune of her warrior as a healing lesson.


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