
Rainbows never shine around me



7 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant1K
01-13-2019, 09:19 PM
Giving Éldi a toothy grin and a shake of his head Ig laughed candidly, "I'm not so sure you're a fresh daisy. Little wilty looking if you ask me. I'm not too bad though, but I'll be better once I get out of the cold for a while." He really wished he'd gotten a hold of some fire-making supplies right about now. There'd been enough other matters to attend to that he'd slacked in that area and now his paws were regretting that for him.

It felt like it was only a few moments later that Drífa appeared, exclaiming as she came into view, asking what had happened as she was likely taking in the bloodied wolves before her. Flicking an ear off to the side Ig would smile only a bit sheepishly and shrug, "We got into a bit of a scuffle with some coyotes. We won, of course. I think the prey must be scarcer out there, they were hungry enough to risk going after us." He made a mental note to warn the other pack members to be extra careful when venturing out from their lands in case there were other large and starved predators out there. Briefly he contemplated how amusing it might be to hang the skinned carcasses somewhere along the border. Would other coyotes heed such a dark warning? He didn't really know much of them aside from that they were pests.

"Ah, yes, this is Éldi. He and I have met once before, under similarly bad circumstances. I was hoping you wouldn't mind patching us both up. It seemed rude to leave someone who fought with me to his own devices with those wounds." Doing his best to ignore the feeling of blood still running from a wound on his stomach, Ignatius turned to Éldi. "Éldi, this is Drífa. She is our wonderful healer."