


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-14-2019, 12:03 AM (This post was last modified: 01-14-2019, 12:03 AM by Acere.)

Hannibal's reaction had not gone unnoticed. He supposed it was a strange concept, wolves and other species becoming friends. But he had seen it pretty often, especially in Abaven. Shaye and Rhyme had birds, and there were a few others he saw around that had companions of their own. While he didn't really consider companions of his own, the fox kits just so happened to need he kept them. So when the albino male questioned how the kits came to be with him, he steadily gazed back. "I was checking out something at the maw when I came across a dead vixen. Coyotes are rampant in the area, and I knew she had more than likely been picked off by them and thought nothing else of it." He remembered the day. Chalking it up mostly to bad luck for the vixen..."The further I went, I came across the kits. They were...young. Barely weaned I think, and it was evident they had been alone for a couple of days at least. That's when I realized it was their mother I had found, and I decided to take them with me. It wouldn't have been right to leave a couple of orphaned fox kits. I imagine they would have died, either by cold, starvation, or the coyotes had I not come around."

He knew most would have said, "fuck it, let nature take its course." But Ace couldn't leave them. When he saw them, it had reminded him of the time he had found Actaea in the den, scared and alone and left to die. He couldn't in good conscience, leave the kits behind to die when they had a lot to live for.

He listened then to the male complain about the sun, and Ace couldn't help the tiniest of smirks that tugged the corner of his lips. All in amusement, of course. "That's a shame. I am sorry. There are some truly beautiful things in this world better seen in the daytime, I think." Well, it sucked that Albino's probably wouldn't get to see all of them, but there wasn't anything he could (or would) do to help that. Except maybe toss around ideas, but he wasn't about to go around rubbing sunscreen on them so they could enjoy the outdoors. "Have you considered some sort of protection? Perhaps a deer hide or the like, a cloak maybe?" Alternatively he supposed the guy could go around followed by someone holding a banana leaf over him, but he'd probably get weird looks.

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