



6 Years
Extra large

01-14-2019, 04:19 PM

Flames ignited the grass surrounding the volcanic plateau as the lava reached the base of it while magma radiating within the core kept the ash-filled sky illuminated with a glow so bright it burned the red eyes of the demon. Optics flashed in the light of the floating embers as he looked over the face of Tyranis just before the bastard son turned his back to him and faced Acere. As Tyranis proclaimed his allegiance to Elias and questioned Acere, Elias' own stare found the cold face of his brother while he too anticipated an answer.

He could feel blood boiling as Acere seemed to numb himself to both their speeches, he could see the hatred behind his brother's mirroring red stare. Elias' black lips quivered as the upper raised, still bloody teeth peeking from under their veil as his marred muzzle contorted from his brother's spoken blasphemy that spurned chaotic anger within him. There were points in his brother's speech that caused the beast within him to roar in outrage, though Elias kept it at a dull growl resonating within his behemoth chest and bubbling up his blood-coated throat so that he could still hear every sacrilegious word that Acere spat.

Every vein in the beast's body was threatening to burst from the surge of adrenaline coursing through them, every push from his heart breeding an absolute state of fury that he was forced to keep contained until Acere was finished. As most knew about the demon by now... this was no easy task for Elias to accomplish, but he managed. The words of his brother were racing through his mind in echos, intermixed with the sound of the Ruina's ancestors hissing and roaring in his ears in a paroxysm of rage. The short fur on the demon's forelimbs did nothing to hide the way his veins were now rising under his skin, how his muscles were twitching under the held back urge to end his heinous hate speech short.

Finally, as Acere's manifesto stopped, it came with the declaration of their rivalry and summoned a wicked smile from the demon. His marred muzzle split, thick teeth framed in pink saliva broke apart from one another as laughter ripped through the air due to the sheer irony that his brother now stood as his opponent. They had once been inseparable under the reign of their father, always getting into trouble wandering past the territory borders. It was their recklessness that had led to the death of their father on the night that the then Apollyon met his fate, and that was the truth. That was why the obedience of his children was so important. He would not allow them to make the same mistakes, to cost any more of Ruina's souls to be taken from them before the prime of their strength. His laughter ceased in a sudden notion, replaced by an enraged growl summoned from the absolute pits of Hell.

"The demons of Ruina come with wisdom that acts beyond what the common wolf might believe is wrong or right. I hated them for so long for what they made me do to Storm Wreckage and the others, but I now know why they did it; I am now proud to have fulfilled their demands. What they desired effected history. They knew that the blood of a Wreckage blended with the blood of the Apollyon would create something absolutely legendary." His eyes flashed to Tyranis for just a moment, features calm for just a second before he returned his stare to Acere and moved to step past his son. His head lowered as his shoulders rolled forward, locking his spine into alignment with each other as he readied himself for history to be made once again. Passion animated his features as he took up his defenses, hackles prickling through the ash that dusted his mantle. Talons and toes clenched against the rocks beneath him as his stance squared, weight redistributing to balance out across his gigantic form. His barreled core was kept low, knees bent as the demon slowly crawled toward what he had to reclaim.

"I did not leave any of the imps behind, I left them with you. It's too late now to admit how misplaced my faith in you was... Ruina has been permanently damaged from both of our carelessness. I left to reclaim the Demon Mother, how bold of you to deny all responsibility as my brother, as a Praetor, to continue leading fellowship under the Apollyon." His teeth clicked with his syllables now as his muscles in his jaw tensed, chin tucking downward while those mismatched pupils became half-veiled beneath the muscle forcing them to narrow. Elias looked down the mountainside at his brother in pure disappointment and obsessive hatred. He never thought of this being a battle he would have to fight, but he was beyond any feelings of hesitation.

"You can not abandon the Apollyon, Ace. You are foolish to believe that the blood you are born of is escapable." His energy was growing as his voice left him in an utter roar; blood, and saliva splattering across the ground in front of him as it escaped the chasm of his teeth. For a moment, his one enlarged pupil started to shrink back down to match the size of his other as the wolf simply stared hard into the pale face of his delirious brother. For a moment, the sadness harbored from all of his years of torment during their youth flickered behind the gloss of those rubies. He spent years in solitude trying to escape them. He fought Dae for them, freed their siblings for them... alongside Ace. Those dreams of escaping Ruina were dead, and the claws of their ancestors dug deep into his spine and skull to control him as their possessed marionette. His pupil returned to its enlarged size as another rumble shook the ground beneath them and spit lava from the volcano's core and forced him to narrow his eyes again; it was time.

Another lost soul needed to be found. Elias would not let him fall away from the grace of Ruina completely, even if Acere did not understand... Elias loved him.. and would preserve his soul under the name of Apollyon so that they may continue to run together... eternally. Failure was not an option.

"Do not interfere, Tyranis... this must be done." His voice was hushed, though his stature solid and unbreaking as those words carried only far enough to reach Tyranis. He hoped his son would heed his warning and stay out of crossfire, as Tyranis was his legacy now.

A ROAR bellowed forth from the demon as he made his descent down the mountain, closing the distance of eleven feet between them in just mere seconds. Rocks were sent rolling down the mountainside as his weight forced them out of the demon's way, claws still splayed and clinging to every curve in the treacherous terrain with a relentlessness that kept him perfectly balanced as he pushed for head-to-head proximity.

Fury fueled the strength gathering in his hind-quarters as his weight made its preparation for the collision that was expected to come, power accumulated there as his muscles pulled to make up for the roll of his left shoulder-blade moving forward and slightly outright away from his body so the bulk of his shoulder jutted out in front of him as much as possible, making a blunt head to the battering ram that was Elias' well-muscled body. His skull turned slightly to the right as he drew near in defense, ears pinning against his head as he focused on keeping as much momentum as possible.

Ace was a couple inches taller than Elias, but with the slope of the mountain, Elias aimed his shoulder to violently ram into the soft, upper and central part of his brother's broad chest; Elias' lungs exhaled and his jaws parted for the release of air, hoping to accomidate the force of the impact just as the titans collided. With the force of his body weight being thrown into the collision, Elias hoped that his power would slam into Acere's wind-pipe at the peak of his chest and completely wind Acere under Elias' raw, crushing force. Whether or not he managed to land his target of Acere's wind-pipe, Elias vigorously aimed to apply enough strength into their collision to leave moderate to severe bruising where his mark landed on the center, upper part of Ace's chest.

Simultaneously as Elias made body contact with his brother, his skull would motion slightly back to the left and upward; jaws hung agape as his neck outstretched to bring his wide skull over Acere's right shoulder. The muscles beneath the facial scars along Elias' muzzle rippled as they bunched together, his upper lip lifting to expose precious teeth and gums while his tongue defensively coiled back and out of the way. Elias would aim to sink his top fangs into the tender flesh just behind Acere's shoulderblade and viciously slide them to the right once making contact, hoping to cause severe lacerations deep enough to shred through necessary tendons needed to apply Acere's heavy weight on that leg without hindrance.

Once Elias' top fangs finish their tear through flesh and fur along the outline of Acere's shoulderblade by four inches, just reaching the area where Acere's shoulderblade would end and his flesh would smooth into that of his side, Elias' bottom jaw would swing shut to reunite all four fangs together once again. He aimed to have Acere's flesh pinched between all four fangs by a good portion, applying severe lacerations from each and creating a good handle for Elias' to keep a tight hold of and prevent Ace from moving away from him. The weight in Elias' hind-quarters would pull to his right as his muscles now focused on the back of Elias' neck and shoulders, redirecting his strength to secure his hold now that their collision had been made. Elias' paws still remained splayed, placed just a couple inches out from each point created by his hips and shoulders for balance.

Elias VS Acere for MAIM

(partial blinding and facial disfiguration)
Height: 42 inches
Build: Medium
Round: 1/3

Note; Distance between them, how many rounds, and the nature of the maim have all been discussed and agreed upon via discord dms.

Disclaimer: Elias suffers from schizophrenia and occasionally has violent outbursts.

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