
Oh, Despicable Me



7 Years
01-15-2019, 12:36 AM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2019, 12:36 AM by Nephthys.)
sorry for the wait and meh post, i caught a cold ;c

It was a night to get lost in the warmth of each others bodies and essence. He was her drug and this night she would have her fix. The egyptian goddess and the ice king would unite, to create a new generation of strong blood lines. Their line would live on, and she would be made apart of the family. A smile would caress her face as he whispered words in her ear, tickling the fin ehear threads that resided there, sending shiver down her spine. A moment ago, rage filled her veins, gasoline boiled and would you look at them now; lust, sexuality emitted from both their perfumes surrounded the air like mist. Maybe this could work somehow, their spawns needed it to work. We shall raise legends, rulers. All the lands will known our names. she purred, before pushing herself into him, mixing their fur as her chest met his own. Their faces but inches away as she moved to nip the side of his neck playfully. Tail lashed behind her, waving her scent into the air in hopes to drive him near mad. Insanity was a beautiful thing, it kept her life going. She longed for him to hurt her, and love her. And she would egg him on if she had to. Masochistic tendencies burning her alive. Pushing against him more, she would try to intertwine herself in him as much as physically possible. Each move would be tender and passionate, the energy that radiated off her was so raw, it could drowned him. Nephthys Ma'at Ithuriel. she breathed into him, heavy and low, Charmed, I am sure. she hissed dark and low in her throat, attempting to intoxicate the man even more, to make him an addict of their bodies together just as she started to become.

-fade to black-

The clouds I can handle,
but I can't fight an eclipse.
html by castlegraphics; image by vethysnia
Flowers in Chania

Warning: this is a mature themed character.
She has a 20" caracal by the name of Alphonse. It shall be presumed that he is with her all the time unless stated otherwise.
Ithuriels, Hannibal and her pups are allowed to crash her threads regardless of the tag!

Let's Plot Together