
scream queen



8 Years
01-15-2019, 12:05 PM

The behemoth moved his pale form through the forest with ease. The Soulless Forest had been his home for quite some time at this point and he knew his way around rather well. His den was located near the water that separated the two Erovrare territories. A large Fox hole that had been dug out a bit. A tree's roots held the enclosure together and it was big enough to fit up to three Wolves if you squish a bit. But, two quite cozily. It had a beautiful view of the river but was far enough away to avoid any danger from rising water levels. For tonight he would allow his servant to sleep in his den but she would be tasked with finding her own within the next few days, preferably near by.

As he reached the den the male stopped his steps to turn his attention towards the woman. Hannibal flicked his nose towards the den ever so slightly before his luxurious vocals came forth. "This is my den. You may sleep in it tonight but you must find a den for yourself in this forest within the next few nights." The male then moved towards the tree and began to paw at the earth. A thin layer of dirt covered a dead Hare he had caught the previous day. It wasn't fresh but it should still be edible enough to give her a proper meal. The cold weather helped preserve the meat as well. Hannibal took the Hare into his jaws before moving to plop it down near Eulogy. "Regain your strength, Eulogy." He then looked tot he river, "You may want to get some water as well before the it gets too cold."

speech action

This character is mature themed. Thread at your own risk!
Hannibal has a tattered left ear. Most of his art does not display this.