
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)



4 Years
Extra large
01-16-2019, 07:20 AM
Aesir and Valkyrie were not alone for long. The horned male was unsurprised to find Eldi planning to join with them as well. Perhaps his old friend had done the leg work after all when it came to recruits. Aesir hadn't necessarily doubted her, but it was a good start all the same. Valk, as usual, had a ready rebuttal to his teasing too. "No doubt Eldi will appreciate your discretion too," she stated in a wry voice, and Aesir barked out a harsh, quick laugh. She would keep him on his toes, as always. The brute turned to Eldi and gave the young male a coy half-smile, mock whispering, "Your secret is safe with me."

More wolves began to arrive, and while some appeared to be vaguely familiar he could not place their names, or even come to a conclusion about whether or not he had actually crossed paths with them before. Aesir wasn't moved by this, but rather realized that he would have to socialize politely with them... At least for a short while. First impressions were important, and all that. So he nodded to each as they arrived, aware that several paid his horns special attention. Aesir made sure to sit up straight and proud, hoping to project strength and confidence. Let them stare, if they wanted to.

In total three others arrived after Eldi, and Valk seemed to be well acquainted with them all. Aesir did his best to listen for their names, but doubtless he would have to ask a second time whenever he got around to properly introducing himself. At last Valkyrie seemed pleased with the turn out and began to speak. It was a good speech, even if throughout its duration Aesir found himself biting his tongue around sarcastic comments. He'd never been much for hype, always preferring actions over words, but he did trust Valkyrie to lead them as well as she could. For now he held his tongue.

Aesir wondered if she had tossed in the bit about insulting one another just for his benefit, and smiled. Whether it was true or not, he decided to feel flattered about it. Yes, admittedly it would probably take some genuine effort for him to get along with so many unfamiliar wolves, but he would try. Looking at the range of ages and statures of the wolves around him, it seemed like a promising group. He assessed them once more after listening to Valkyrie's speech, then cleared his throat. "I will pledge myself to both Hjarrandi and you," Aesir nodded his head in respect to Valk, voice uncharacteristically sincere. "You enemies are mine, as are your allies. I look forward to the seasons and battles to come."

His solemnity was cracked by an eager grin. Being exiled certainly made wheedling ones way into battle much more difficult, and dangerous as well. A band such as this might be exactly what he had been hoping for. All that was left was to find his good-for-nothing brothers and drag them in too. Aesir felt wholly content as he waited for the other wolves to swear themselves in as well. It was time to get this party started.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks