
Just like you, like me, like everybody else



07-12-2013, 12:53 AM

The horror on the males place pleased him. So he'd managed to shock one of his own kind. How humorous. He supposed it wasn't often that the male saw self mutilation. Horror and shock was replaced by curiosity and Sasori applauded him. He was learning and that meant he'd done something right in nicking his leg to show him first hand what blood was. It was a much more efficient way to teach than just merely explaining things. Experience was a much better teacher than just plain words.

The Greek was proud that he'd managed to teach something to someone. Knowledge was something he believed everyone deserved to have. This male obviously lacked and he was intent on sharing. Even if they didn't quite need to know the secret knowledge of his pack he could at least share the basics with those less privy to the things that needed to be known. He wasn't selfish. He didn't want his race to be overcome by idiots, even if most of the time he didn't care about things one way or another. He at least cared enough not to have imbeciles running around. It was selfish, but he had no desire to be around anyone who had no brains. Except for this one. This was was impressionable and could easily be taught. If he was interested Sasori would take on an apprentice. A follower if you will.

"Well now that you've tracked your sent I have a proposition with you. I'll tell you my name and teach you things that I feel that you might want to learn. You'll be my apprentice so to speak. I'll teach you whatever you'd like to know, and in return you travel with me until I find a suitable home and then we settle down and I teach you more things until you feel as though you're ready to move on. Fair enough Roberto?"

He quite liked the idea. It meant having a companion and even though he wasn't particularly fond of having someone follow him all the time perhaps the company would do him good. He liked having something to do, and this would be an interesting project. A very interesting project indeed.
