
Fast Food Service

Elara I


7 Years
01-17-2019, 10:06 PM
She stirred from the cool floor of the den, thick furred form uncurling and stretching out to lay flat on her side. Her body was telling her it was morning, her internal clock was telling her it was time to wake up. Rolling to her feet she crawled from the temporary den and stepped out into the fresh fallen snow. Squinting her eyes she stood there for a while before her eyes properly adjusted to the bright morning. Once they did she took a moment to look around and to listen. It was a quiet morning with a fresh foot of snow on the ground. It seemed a lot of the animals were slow to get moving this morning, perhaps the snow or the cold was bugging them, but it wasn't stopping this wolf from moving. Her coat had come in nice and thick like it normally had in the winter and the cold wouldn't bother her.

She started off by just simply moving, heading away from the temporary den she had found yesterday. Getting herself up and moving to simply take a look around and maybe find some breakfast. Everything was white, pretty, pristine, and for the most part untouched. It reminded her of home, except back home they would get a ton more snow then what this place had. It didn't take her long before she came across some fresh deer tracks which made her stop and alter her course to fallow them. She kept moving, but soon she found a spot of blood in the tracks along with a lot of packed down snow. It seemed someone else had found the deer first. She was curious though to see what it was and carefully kept fallowing the trail until she saw the dead deer up ahead.

She stood looking around, not approaching any further in case it was some other large predator. The snow had been too packed down a little ways back for her to tell.