
Those Who Fare Forward (band creation)


01-19-2019, 01:54 PM
Wandering Boreas wasn't all that amusing just yet. Kvasir needed a place to set his things, and something to work for. Being an aimless waif struggling to keep track of his siblings, who he was sure he needed to keep close contact with if he was every going to lift the curse the gods had put on them, well... It was impossible to get anything done. He griped and huffed, staring at the mess of found objects he'd strewn across the ground outside his makeshift den. There was no inspiration to be found when he felt so aimless, no spark sent to him that would help him to create. Such situations made him irritable.

That was why when he heard the howl, Kvasir froze, standing still as a boulder while he processed the sound he'd heard. Was it really Valkyrie? How ambitious she'd grown up to be. While the crafter might have ignored the call if left to his own devices in favor of doing his own thing, an idea had him quickly changing his tune. His brothers would almost certainly go to meet her. If they all joined then he would be able to keep tract of where they were too... Perfect! A cackling laugh left his lips as he bounded towards the call, arriving only a bit later than the rest.

Hearing enough of the important stuff, Kvasir seated himself beside Aesir before nodding and laughing once more. "I am yours as well, Valkyrie." he said simply. Maybe he should make a sacrifice to the gods in the hopes that they would bless this eager young woman's endeavors. More than they did him and his family at least.