
Stubborn Love

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-19-2019, 03:38 PM
Rhyme was no stranger to the thoughts that ran through Shaye's mind. A hard regret for what they had allowed to happen between them. He'd broken his own heart that night, and it would have torn him apart if he knew Shaye struggled similarly. While he regretted that night it was no longer because of shame but instead from the damage wrought between their relationship. He longed for the closeness they had before, and wished for it again. The easiness of being at her side.

He tried to relax into that state again as he teased her lightly. She replied that his guess was likely correct. He smirked knowingly, wondering absently when the next time they might get the chance to hunt a tiger would be. Likely not until after the pups were old enough to be away from Shaye for long periods. Someone would be able to keep an eye on them, though he'd have been lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to the forbidden cat hunting.

He tried to suppress the hurt in his heart as he spoke wrong, what he would have given to be able to raise them with her. Rhyme wanted to be their father. Shaye growled at him, but he managed to grin wider. He had to push the painful emotions down, and smiling was if not the easiest to manage was the easiest to fake.

"They'll be brining you corpses before they're weaned." He challenged, feeling a surge of pride in his unborn offspring. "I hope you're ready for a challenge." He said not even realizing how true his words were. "Considering who their parents are, they'll be out of the den before their eyes are open." He said with only the hint of a wince at his own words.