
Let's Talk

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-19-2019, 07:02 PM
As he took a seat Valentine was quick to offer their discussion. To be honest Rhyme hadn't thought much about Vlad since he'd spoken briefly about him with Shaye right after he'd conversed with the slaver himself. He cocked his head curiously, Valentine wanted to take the man back to Legion with him. He hadn't really made the connection, but it made sense that Valentine would want to question the errant slaver himself.

Rhyme wondered how Vlad might take becoming a slave himself. He wondered how his father might treat him. Of all the slavers he had dealt with Vlad seemed the most empathetic of his underlings. He looked back to Shaye as she spoke, and she was right. Rhyme didn't want to risk the lives of his unborn children. Any of them. What did he want out of this trade?

"He knows where my Half sister is." Despite Valentine's uncaring for Rhythm's bastards Rhyme had grown to feel protective of them. "If you can, would you be able to use him to retrieve her for me? He said he could find her, but I couldn't very well let him go out to fetch her." He wanted Eulogy to be safe, he wanted her to be free. She'd suffered so much, he didn't want her to live the life she had been trained for. "If it's not possible I will be content with Shaye's proposal." He added, knowing Valentine might not be able to guarantee such a request. It was all he had wanted out of Vlad to begin with.