
No Note, No Letter [Skaldi]



4 Years
Extra large
01-19-2019, 07:16 PM (This post was last modified: 01-19-2019, 07:17 PM by Aesir.)
As far as siblings went, Aesir felt closer than most to his brothers. They had endured more together in their few short years than most common wolves suffered in a lifetime. It would seem, unfortunately, that they were not meant to be common wolves. Seeing Kvasir's sudden arrival at Valkyrie's meeting, after roaming apart for over a fotrnight, had certainly been a surprise. Aesir shook it off as quick as he could, and once Valkyrie dismissed their newly established group, Aesir was quick to pull his brother aside.

He walked a ways, hoping that his brother was following at his own pace while he sorted his thoughts. They were in this together now, and he was elated. But where had Kvasir been, and what had he seen? Did he have word from Halvar? A private moment away would put his mind at ease, hopefully, and then they would be able to rejoin the others. He'd had a mind to go all the way to the waterfall, but impatience won out. The frothing plunge was only a distant landmark, barely audible, when Aesir rounded on his littermate. "Haven't seen hide or hair of you since landing here... Don't get me wrong, delighted to see you taking up with Valkyrie as well, but I hope you have a tale or two for me to cover the interim?"

It wasn't like Aesir to express worry for his siblings. This was as close as he ever seemed likely to get; riding the edge of abrasion while still genuinely interested in how the other was faring. To be frank, he did grow worried when either of his littermates spent too long away from his protective eye. Both bought more firmly into the curse that plagued had their birth, moreso than Aesir ever had, and backed by some veneer of anxiety the brutish male preferred to keep tabs on their exploits whenever possible. At least for Kvasir that seemed to be a much easier task from here on out... Aesir fought to push through the questions so that he still had time be pleased.

"Aesir Speaks" "Aesir Listens" Aesir Thinks