
It is Thyme



4 Years
Extra small
01-20-2019, 02:00 AM

She had known it was coming soon. She was swollen like a deer carcass in water. Her ankles were swollen and her instincts were to bed down alot more now. It wasnt her first pregnancy so she knew the symptoms meant it could be any day now. She had asked rhyme to send solitude for rhythm. She hoped no one would mind the healer staying in the pack lands as her guest. She was growing anxious in the den. It was large enough to house almost four rhymes easily but she needed some air.

She emerged slowly and barked for imperia. The pregnant raven had been left in charge of watching her in case Rhyme was not immediately able to get to her if the event happened when he was out. And at the moment he was out. She knew she was safe here in the Rapids though. She had been told of the slaver in the thicket so she was not allowed there for some time until shaye allowed it again. Though she often wanted to at least meet the man and ask him a few questions.

Once she heard imperia above her she started her wobble. She walked along the river, towards Rhyme's boulder. It was becoming her favorite place to sun bathe, though the snow often made it colder than she liked. She lifted herself to the boulder and sat carefully. The pups were definitely large. She had done her best to count them and she knew at least three were there.

She sat there for a while just listening to the water as it ran under the ice. Then she gave a yelp. This time it wasnt a kick or anything normal. Her ears pressed as she clenched her teeth. Not a Braxton hicks that was for certain. She knew this pain. It was a contraction. As soon as it let up she was up and moving again. Her form gently sliding from the rock. "Imperia get Rhyme." she moved carefully and as soon as another contraction hit she was stopping. She had heard the raven take off and leave her so she was alone. She had not put her cloak or bag on, knowing they would get ruined and in the way when she gave birth. She made it back in time to need to lie down. Only when she was inside did she do so. She was fighting for comfort though. She wasnt the type to call for anyone though. She had a slave for too long before so she knew that calling could bring disaster. Her baser instincts were taking over and they were to protect her children.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.