
7 Tips For Beating The $*!# Out Of Social Anxiety



8 Years
Extra large

ScarredOverachieverPride - PansexualVolcanoValentines 2020Christmas 2019
01-20-2019, 10:40 AM

He hadn't expected his comment to be an overly controversial one, all things considered, but he was surprised when her head whipped around and she shot a glare at him. If he was any less mature he would've stuck his tongue out at her, but instead he merely rolled his eyes at what he considered her melodramatics. Her expression shifted into a snarl, and he rolled his eyes even harder - if such a thing was possible - but turned back to focus on their task at hand. He couldn't help but let his own mind drift, wondering what on earth had happened to this female to make her so dreadful, deciding that her life must not be half as enjoyable as his. Poor girl. Whatever, not his problem anymore.

He squinted hard and focused on the ducks rather than Sephira, finally leaping forward to ensure his own kill. He didn't really care now if she actually caught her own lunch, but he watched as she moved beside him and snapped her jaws at the ducks she'd been charging at. Even she hadn't been successful at first, proved by the sudden flurry of winds flapping and the subsequent splashing of water that followed, it wasn't long before she emerged from the water soaking wet and with a fat duck in her jaws. He, too, was soaked now, but he decided against shaking out his coat directly beside her (as tempting as the thought was). Shooting her a final glare, he dragged his own kill away from her, deciding that he too wanted to eat in peace now. What a buzzkill.

-exit Kai-