
one shot



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-20-2019, 12:41 PM

It was becoming increasingly obvious why Valdis had found this male a suitable leader. Despite his rather unique appearance, he seemed to have a good head on his shoulders and Asvor could appreciate that completely. He mentioned that the north encouraged strong wolves, and she nodded in agreement. Where was he going with this, she wondered? He went on to say that it was too far from the other packs to make staying here worth it, and though she gave him another slow nod she held her tongue. Bickering about the benefits from being removed from the vicinity of other packs wouldn't do any good, not when the decision ultimately rested with Chaos - and not when she'd already decided to go, if not mostly for Valdis's sake.  "Indeed," Asvor said finally, sounding a bit resigned in her answer. She wasn't one for being passive-aggressive and she had no interest in making her dislike of their move any more known than it already surely was.

"I grew up in the North," Asvor answered after a moment of thought. "In a pack run by my mother, Katja Finnvi, called Yfir." There was obvious pride in the way she spoke of her mother and her birth pack, even if that part of her life hadn't lasted very long. "But I've been a loner most of my life. It took quite a bit of convincing to tell myself to finally settle down in Niente," she admitted conversationally. It wasn't that she wasn't the pack type, not really - but she mostly hadn't wanted to settle on anything unless she was completely certain of it. Even now she wasn't completely convinced, but having Valdis here with her helped cement her choice. "But I've decided to stay where Valdis does." For now, she reminded herself, despite having no interest in deciding otherwise currently. She was still just wrapping her head around making a decision almost completely based on another wolf, not something the selfish Finnvi had ever really done before now.