


07-12-2013, 01:59 AM
He knew he had hurt his family, he knew that they were worried about him, his mother, his father, his siblings... they were the reason he had returned. He had wronged them, he understood that, and his mind had a new peace, a new settlement and he realized his mistakes, he had returned home to right these errors. Tail fluttering back and forth behind him, he was amazed at how fluent they were in forgiving his abrupt absence. Lyric especially, he hadn't meant to lash out at anybody, and he was quite certain he had frightened her. He wasn't a violent person and he certainly wasn't hateful.

That wasn't to say he regretted leaving, he hadn't, he never would have met Oberon if he hadn't left and that... well that would have been a tragedy, from the moment he had met the tiny male, something that had always felt unhinged within him, settled, straightened out. It was like peace for the first time in his young life, the two had become friends effortlessly, and Gabriel intended to visit him again soon. But he had apologies to give, and bonds to mend before he would leave again, his family needed to be patched up.

He rested back on his haunches, watching as Surreal ducked beneath the water, cleansing herself of dirt and debris, before returning to him smoothly, smile painted upon her maw and a bounce to her step, Gabriel was forced to smile, he knew she had done that for him, it made his heart feel warm, his tail, lazily swung back and forth. ?I am happy to see the two of you again, I cannot wait to see mother and father, they are well I hope?? Gabriel cocked his head to the side, curious.

Surreal's question caught him off guard, but he smiled gently all the same. ?Well worth it, I saw places so beautiful and so perfect, you cannot imagine them Surreal! Forests with murky waters that turn the mud into suctioning filth, deserts with no water, beaches, the ocean! I met a few new wolves, one I intend to see again, but first, I needed to come home, to make sure my family was alright. I never meant to make any of you worry for me. I won't be leaving again for awhile you both don't need to look so sad.? The guilt crept back into his voice.