
Late Fall Cleaning



9 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantPride - LesbianCritical Hit!Treat 2019Promptober 2019
01-20-2019, 02:08 PM

Valdís nodded absently in confirmation. She hadn't expected to find herself down here int he south either but she had no interest in being a loner. A pack in a desert was preferable to struggling as a lone wolf. Wolves were pack animals for a reason and she had no desire to pretend otherwise. She wanted to be well fed and protected. She chuckled. "I don't know if anyone knows Chaos well enough to judge. He is true to his name. Wild and unpredictable and I think anyone who thinks they have him figured out is a fool." Yet, that unpredictable streak could be a concern in a leader. She'd just have to see how much he learned since Crew and whether or not he could tame some of that wildness to be a stable rock for his pack to count on. Though perhaps that was more what she wanted now that she hoped to set down roots with someone. She supposed there were advantages to keeping everyone on their toes.

"Saying I'm settling in might be a bit of a stretch. I'm fighting it tooth and nail every step of the way."

Valdís winced inwardly. She hated to hear that her friend was struggling and part of it was making her reconsider and that was frightening. She'd agreed to go with Chaos, to join his pack. To leave now instead of in the allotted time could prove dangerous and she had no idea how he would take it. Would he just let them go or would he seek to make an example of them? And even if they decided to leave, where would they go?

Valdís grinned as she shifted her body to make the wounds more accessible for examination. "Sick mountain lion. Found it in when I ran across Chaos and another man." They seemed to know each other but in the chaos she'd forgotten the other man's name and his relation to Chaos. She'd have to ask another time. Right now there were more pressing matters on her mind. Namely, when had her heart started trying to beat its way out of her chest? She took a deep breath. "Say, Ásvor, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about…" Her jaws snapped shut as she realized sound was no longer coming out of her mouth. She stared dumbly at her friend then swiftly at her paws. Ok, this wasn't going quite like she thought it would. She had no idea how to state what she wanted to say. Was there a social protocol for this? Fuck it, she was just going to come out and say it.

Valdís took another deep breath and looked right into Ásvor's eyes. "I think I'm in love with you." She felt the blood drain from her face in shock. Oh gods, she actually said that out loud. Shit. Fuck. "I just… I mean if you don't feel the same that's cool. I will deal with it but either way I'll still care about you as a friend. And you know if living here in Legion is something you're fighting tooth and nail then let's figure something out. I don't want to stay here if it's not what you want. Maybe we can find your family and I don't know, I mean, you know what I'm rambling, I'm gonna shut up now."

"Talk" "You" Think