
I cast Cure Wounds



7 Years
Extra large
01-20-2019, 07:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-05-2020, 11:18 PM by Torin.)

Torin couldn't help the sinking feeling that settled in his stomach as he listened to his niece. He felt certain that his sister loved her children, that she always had and that that hadn't changed, but then he didn't know that for certain... he wasn't inside his sister's mind. He shook his head, wanting to assure his niece that she was loved. But she asked the question itself before Torin could say anything. He gently leaned into his niece, moving to wrap his foreleg around her and try to draw her into him.

"Priscilla, your mother joined my family when I was a very young pup. My mother took her in and she took instantly to my brother. We were never really close until after my mother and brother started being more distant I took up looking after her, but I never thought of Jewell as anything but my sister. I've loved her as my sister since the moment my mother took her in. When we found out what happened to her I was angry, I wanted nothing more than to ruin the life of the man that did this to her... but you and your siblings were never going to be anything but family, I loved you before you were born and I wanted to protect you, protect you all from the harsh reality of the world... maybe that was naive of me." He closed his eyes, trying to reign in his breathing. "I never meant for the circumstances of your birth to become a lie I was withholding from you, I just wanted to make sure it didn't define you. I'm sorry that I never told you about your father, I wanted to wait until I thought you were ready but I never considered that I might have already waited too long."

"I have never thought of you and your siblings as anything less than family and I love you all. I'm sorry if that's ever been in doubt. But please know I'd never lie about that."

"Silent Treatment" & Deep thoughts

Image by Hagon
Avatar by Nerfusia
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