
Midnight Tracking



7 Years
01-20-2019, 09:59 PM

She hadn't minded at all that he was checking on her, in fact she was secretly loving it, but couldn't find the courage to tell him that he could check on her any time he wanted. Her teal eyes looked at his face briefly before she could feel the building attraction and want to be near him. It had to be the added hormones that was coming with her season and she didn't want to react. She was unsure if he would even be okay with her invading his personal space. So she nibbled on her lip a bit and looked away as he spoke again. He apologized if he scared her prey off, which in reality she wasn't sure if it was truly him or not. His next words made her smile and her tail wag a bit. It made her feel good that he wanted to make sure she was okay, that he personally wanted to check on her.

"Thank you for checking on me," she said looking to his face again, her tone truly sincere.

She didn't want him to think that she didn't appreciate it. With him telling her that she could feel the butterflies coming back much stronger now, more stronger then they normally were around him. She could also feel her heart beginning to race. He was glad she was fine and it made her feel even more special. He took a few steps closer and she could feel her heart racing once more, the butterflies growing more intense and that..... smile. She had never seen that type of smile from him before not even around his family. That smile paired with his attractive form and her growing want to be close to him was making her a little dizzy and a bit goofy. He even stepped a bit closer to her making her bite her lip slightly.

"It's okay.... But....." she started her eyes focusing on his as a teasing and playful smile appeared on her lips. "That also means I no longer have anything to do, whatever will I do with the rest of my night."

She couldn't help it, these emotions and hormones running through her.

"Speech" & 'Think'