
You had me at Hello


07-12-2013, 02:13 AM

A smile adorned her beautiful silvery masked face, sky blue eyes gracing a look on the grey man in front of her. He was a Seracian. How cool was that!? The one wolf she had run into in this area, was a Seracian. Excitement emanated off of her in waves as he spoke of them being near Seracia, and finally of being able to take her to his pack home. "Yes, I would love to go with you to Seracia!" She exclaimed. She brushed past him, her fur lightly brushing his as she walked by. She walked a few feet past, stopping to turn and look at him. "But first, do you mind if we stopped and ate on the way? I haven't eaten all day today, and...there's something in particular I'm kinda craving. There's an area I passed not too far from here, what do you say? Care to join me for lunch before heading to your pack?"

She smiled at him, head tilted to the side as she waited to see whether he'd join her or not. She couldn't help but feel an electric shock when their fur touched...but it wasn't the type of shock that hurt. This was a different feeling, not exactly sure what to call it or how to react. But when she saw his glowing yellow eyes, she would find herself blushing again, causing her to glance away or stare at the ground. She hoped he didn't think that she didn't like him. In fact, it was quite the opposite. They barely met, yet she seemed to...adore him, in a way. But this seemed to be a different kind of adoration...she just couldn't quite put her paw on it. Whatever it was, she had never felt like this before. Not even with the wolves that her pack family had tried to set her up with. She inwardly sighed at that thought. She always hated when they did that, the suitors her parents chose were always so...serious. Incompatible with her. Sure she could be serious too, but there was also another side of her that wanted to enjoy life. When she would become an Alpha, she would take on the responsibilities that came with it, but she would also remain herself and not let the position change her. At least not to the point of being uncaring and only worrying about certain lives. She wanted to be there and care for everyone in her new future pack. When she thought of that, she wondered It was not the time to think of that, not now. Glancing shyly at him again, she waited for an answer.

"speech" Thought You