
It is Thyme

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 11:40 AM

The day was cold, snow covered the ground. His mind had been preoccupied, but he no longer held the gaping hole in his heart. Rhyme no longer felt drawn to the bottle, he felt his strength and confidence return. He had much to look forward to, and in only a few days the slate alpha would welcome his children into the world. The happiness at being able to claim all of them almost made him glow.

He wouldn't let the thoughts distract him though, his icy paws carried him over the snowy paths that marked Abaven's border. His eyes were pealed for danger, knowing they were about to enter into vulnerability. He would have to push himself harder in the first few weeks of their young lives. Rhyme would die before he allowed harm come to his offspring.

He was buried in his thoughts and duty, all of his attention focused on the potential danger lingering outside the border. This caused him to jump slightly when Imperia cracked impatiently at him from a low branch. Rhyme whipped his head around to look at her form. She would be laying any day now, and only one thing would have brought her to him now. His mouth dropped open and the alpha rushed towards the way she had come.

She landed on his shoulder, less gracefully than if she weren't full of eggs, and the two of them rushed back to the maple tree. Rhyme had hoped his mother would have arrived by now, and if he weren't so distracted he might have worried for her safety.

With little time in between Rhyme appeared at the entrance of the den he'd helped Tana to construct. Imperia returned to her cozy nest as he slipped inside, finding the mother of his children struggling with comfort.

With out hesitation he came to her side, curling around her as he offered what comfort he could. "Are they coming?" He asked nervously, never forgetting the tragedy that could strike them. He pushed those dark thoughts from his mind, everything was going to be okay.
