
It is Thyme



4 Years
Extra small
01-21-2019, 01:21 PM

She could hear Rhyme as he tried to save their son. Her ears pressed back. She didn't want to believe it that he was dead. He was not going to die if Tana had anything to say about it, though in all reality there was nothing she could do.

She listened to Rhythm. Halfway. She knew that though didn't she. Her contraction came in it's own time and she focused on pushing again. This one was larger too. Not as large as the brother at her teat but large enough to dwarf their first son at least. This one came and she was quickly growing tired. She grabbed it though and brought it closer. She focused on cleaning it. Female. One son and one daughter then. The girl was fast to scream out her duress like her brother. She cleaned this one and nudged her in next to her brother. She was tired.

Her head played then next to the still child on Rhyme's legs. She hoped he could get the pup to move or something. She just wanted to sleep now though.

Another contraction came though to her surprise. And with it came a tiny thing. She wasn't even aware that it had existed in her womb. She went for it and brought it to lay on her own legs. She cleaned the smallest tiredly. This one refused to make noise as well. "Not again." she refused to give up. She cleaned the babe more furiously. A female. A runt. Most females probably wouldn't have fought as much for the runt to live but she was not about to give up on any of them. She had been a runt and knew they could come with problems but she didn't want to just let her cease to be.

It took harsh coaxing but finally a squeak came from the babe. It was less than her siblings but it was enough to ensure they all knew she had survived. She had fight in her Tana could already tell. She nudged her in with the others and laid her head back down. She was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. A lot had happened this morning. She was waiting for their first still though. They had three on her teats and the last she desperately wanted to be able to put with them. For them to be all safe and sound. The healer in her knew though.

"Stop Rhyme..... It's not going to work..... I'm so sorry." she knew the moment he didn't cry out. It was a lost cause to worry over one. He had been crushed by the two bigger ones in her womb. She had felt the broken bones and knew, she just had hoped. Her exhaustion was evident in her voice.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.