
It is Thyme

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 01:49 PM

Rhythm told him to try the boy’s other side but he was realizing she was only offering advice for his benefit. The child was born bead, nothing he could do would change the fact. He continued his work though, desperate to hear him cry. He felt his own eyes fogging, but he wouldn’t give up yet. Tana continued with her task, and again a strong set of lungs burst forth. He renewed his efforts with the sound of new life. Two. Two healthy pups.

He should have given up by now, soon he’d be licking the soft fur off its body, but this was his first born and he couldn’t give up on him. The limp body remained still, and Rhyme fully realized he was never going to take his first breath. His tears flowed over as he heard Tana struggle and declare her despair. Another stillborn? He couldn’t help himself as he looked over to the tiny child. She was the smallest and most precious thing he’d ever seen. She was streaked black and white, with a mottled little nose. He couldn’t lose her too.

Finally Tana coaxed out a squeak and he felt a sigh of relief fall from his lips as he returned his attention to the boy at his paws. He knew with certainty he wouldn’t make it back. Tana confirmed his suspicions quickly after. There was no need to continue, he was gone. Silent tears fell from his eyes as his head fell to Tana’s. He nuzzled her, wanting to share his misery with her. He tried to focus on the three healthy babes at her side, but his heart broke for the boy on his paws. "I’m sorry, Tana." He whispered back, taking his own share of responsibility. If he hadn't given in to his urges that night.. the boy wouldn’t be dead but they wouldn’t have the three healthy ones either.