
Know this life

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-21-2019, 02:20 PM
Rhyme didn’t know what to feel, sadness elation? It was a mix of both. While Rhythm saw to fixing Tana up after the birth Rhyme had slipped away to calm himself. He’d lost his first born, though he’d tried so hard to save him death had won. Three healthy pups were attached to Tana now though, and he tried to think about them. The tiniest was the one he was worried about, the runt. If she could make it through her first couple of days she had chance at making it to adulthood.

He waded through the snow, unaware at first that his paws were carrying him closer to Shaye’s den. He had every intention of returning to Tana before she woke up, but it wouldn’t hurt to check in on.. his mate. The word was still odd in his mind, but it was certainly growing on him. He hadn’t quite committed to her den yet though, he'd been too worried about Tana’s pregnancy. Now that it was over though he felt relief through his grief.

His dark ears perked at hearing Shaye’s worried voice from her den. She called out to winter first, but he didn’t see the white bird anywhere. He rushed inside to see Shaye laying just as uncomfortable as Tana had been. He felt a similar worry for Shaye and their pups, but hoped he wouldn’t repeat his most recent experience. "Shaye?" he asked softly as he intruded. "Should I call your sister?" Rhythm was probably still wrapped up with Tana.