
Know this life



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-21-2019, 09:58 PM

Shaye had been pregnant and as she grew color to her term Actaea was seeing less and less of her. The young girl understood what was happening and understood why Shaye was around less and less. If she was back in Ruina, her old self she may have been upset, jealous, but now that she was almost a different person she was very happy for Shaye. She was going to have pups, younger wolves then herself would now be within the pack. Actaea was excited to meet these tiny babies and she what she might have looked like when she was their age. It was new and different and she wanted to help Shaye as much as she could.

Today she was moving through the snow, a small hare within her mouth. She had managed to catch the creature with a trap she had created and now she was carrying her prize to Shaye's den. She thought it would be a good gesture to give her a meal even if she did not need it. Maybe she could give her some company for a bit while she was relaxing within her den. When she grew close enough to the den her nose picked something up and she stopped to place the rabbit on the ground and take a good whiff. Immediately she smelled blood and quickly picked up her rabbit and rushed to the den. Dropping the rabbit outside she crawled in and was met with not only Shaye, but Rhyme and another wolf she hadn't met.

She moved over to Shaye who was panting, uncomfortable, and having discharge. Was it birthing time already? Actaea remained calm and looked to Shaye for orders. She was here to help her through this.

speech action

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them