
Know this life

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-22-2019, 04:07 PM
Shaye looked up at him quickly, pain obvious in her gaze as she found him. He couldn't help but think about the relief that he saw there. Did she think he would let her go through this alone? Rhyme pushed down his high emotions, he struggled to remove Darilnor from his mind as Shaye called out his name and asked him to summon Vail and Actaea. She managed a little tease at the end and he managed a smile. He'd have to wait to tell her about his first four

He nodded, loathe to turn away even for a moment. Rhyme steeled himself, hopeful this birth would not be as difficult as the first that day. "I'll be right back." He promised as he returned to the cave mouth and called out for Vail as he watched Actaea hurry forward. He tried to instill a bit of urgency in his voice as it trailed off and he returned to the dimmed den. He was careful to step over the carefully placed border.

Rhyme was quick to place himself at Shaye's far side, a comforting presence as she pained through labor. He nuzzled into her neck, offering what support he could. His mind still reeling from earlier. "They'll be here soon." He promised her softly, hoping she didn't hear the sadness there. She needed to focus on herself, not him.

Both wolves looked for direction, Epitaph vocally and Actaea silently. Rhyme wasn't sure what they would be best doing. He hadn't been paying attention to details earlier in the day, Rhyme had been too occupied failing to save his first born.