
Forgive and forget and die


07-12-2013, 08:17 AM
Thane turned his head to the side as he heard his sister finish the phrase. A smile appeared on his maw as she did so. With his aqua blue gaze on her she nuzzled his neck before sitting down beside him. Then suddenly she seemed a bit skittish. What was wrong with his dear sister? White lines ears perked up as she said sorry and that she hadn't told him stuff. Dark gray paws shifted as Hureia mentioned her lovers. Why was she bringing this up now? Bit no interruptions were made. She even said something about a child with Octavian? Did the brute really have a nephew? But she stood up and walked to the edge as she thought about her last part. Her other lover who she was taking a long time to say.

Suddenly as his sister whipped around to say you as in him her hind legs fell back. She said she loved him as a brother and more. And she said she always had? Thane felt oblivious to everything but then the dirt beneath her started to crumble

Aqua blue eyes watched as his sister was then pulled down and he thought she would fall down the cliff! With a swift lunge towards his sister he scrambled to the edge in an attempt to save her. As soon as the male arrived the dirt beneath his paws gave out even more which had caused him himself to slide off the cliff. A yelp escaped his maw as Thane was falling until he grabbed onto his sister's tail. The brute dangled in the air with his jaws around Hureia's tail. But his jaws were slipping and he didn't want to hurt her.

"Hureia...hang in there..." he sad feebly as he held onto her tail.

"You won't be able to hold both of us. You're shlipping. I have to let go. Or we'll both die."

Thane didn't dare look down or below him. He knew he had to let go to save his siter. If he didn't then both of them would possible die on this day.

The male's maw was slipping down his sister's tail. No doubt it hurt. And soon enough he tasted blood. He had to let go now. Thane kept on believing there was another way. But there wasn't. He was dangling there and thinking about his family. His sister, his mate, his sons, and his daughter. The brute didn't want to end it this way. The brute didn't want to let go. But he would have to...

Closing his eyes did Thane release his sister's tail as let out a scream as he plummeted down the cliff.

As he was falling his fur blowed in the wind and t felt like he was flying.

Then soon enough the brute landed with a sickening crunch. With a pained groan the wolf painfully turned around to look upwards. He...he was alive? Thane couldn't move that well since moving hurt his left hind leg. With the movement he did to look over the edge the brute growled in pain. But when Thane did get to look he saw that he hadn't fallen all the way. Better falling half way and breaking a leg than falling all the way and breaking everything right? But then if he fell all the way he would be dead. With a grunt the wolf pushed himself closer to the wall and lay there.

All he could do now was let out a howl for help.

Painfully yet swiftly did Thane move to his side and raised his head to their. He bellowed out a pained howl for help as he watched his sister's legs dangle over the edge of the cliff. She was slipping. Despite the loss of him hanging from her tail she still couldn't pull herself up.

White was seen as Thane focused back on himself. He blinked but the whiteness went away. He felt sick and dizzy and couldn't hold his upper half up. Slumping to the ground of the piece of rock that jutted out where he had landed the brute lay there hoping both of them would make it through the day; or at least live to see another one.