
No parent should have to bury their child



4 Years
Extra small
01-24-2019, 04:02 PM

Their children lay sleeping in the den with Rhythm to watch them. She intended to visit Vail as soon as she was done here. She had taken several herbs from her collection and had them in her satchel at her side. In her maw was Darlinor. She had cleaned him and taken a rabbit's pelt and bound it around him. A traditional thing in her homeland. She had decide it best to bury him at the rock that both her and Rhyme favored, where he had been conceived. That was the direction she hobbled.

The snow was falling gently and she could feel as the world was quiet. It was like the world mourned with them. Rhyme had not been there when she woke up but she had told Rhythm where she was going, cryptically mind you, but Rhyme would know. She would dig the grave before he got there and wait for him to make it there. As she arrived she gently placed him down in his bundle. She felt for the edge of the rock then with her right forepaw, and began digging there. He'd have a grave by the river then, not far from their den, and when spring would come his body would be what gave the herbs she brought the nourishment to bloom. It would mark his grave with herbs of a warrior. She couldn't provide him everything that warriors were buried with in her homeland but he would at least have the herbs.

When she finished she sat with him at her paws. She wasn't sure she was ready to say goodbye to her third dead child. If she could cry she knew her cheeks would be soaked by now. Her breaths were harsh enough though for one to know she was crying, even if there were no tears.

speech action

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.