
Save me from my selfish pride


Permanent Ghost

Master Fighter (275)

Master Intellectual (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

13+ Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantLegendaryDouble MasterVolcanoCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Christmas 2019Treat 2019
01-25-2019, 01:37 AM

He was told not to worry about an apology, so he nodded while she leaned down and humored the boy. He could see Finn staring at her with wide eyed wonder, his tail practically "wagging" much like a wolf's. He had a feeling these kids wouldn't grow up to be completely "normal" foxes considering they lived with wolves and lost their mother at a very young age. "That's awesome! Hey dad, how come our family don't look like that?" Finn turned to look at him, and Ace stared back with frown. "...Ignis is completely red if you haven't noticed..." Finn seemed to think about it for a moment, "Oh yeah, huh?" He looked back to the woman, "Still not as cool as her for some reason though, look Lumi! She's got the sky in her fur!" Before he knew it, Lumi jumped off his back and went to gawk at Iskra too.

Ace glanced at the sky and rolled his eyes, though he secretly he was glad they were so inquisitive. He couldn't help but shake his head and just roll with their antics. "Kids. Annoying as hell sometimes... Unless it's just foxes that are this nosy and annoying," He returned his gaze to the smaller woman, "My name is Acere Praetor. Pleasure to meet you, Miss."

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