
The strength of the pack

Shaye I


8 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantTreat 2019
01-25-2019, 02:18 PM
Shaye kissed her auntie on the cheek and left her cooing over the little ones. She made a beautiful sight as she curled up around the tiny forms, their dark coats well matched to Rhythms. She moved to step away, hesitated, then came back to give them all another round of kisses, before ducking out without looking back. She knew if she did, she would never leave them.

She made her way to the open expanse she used for a meeting place, and hoped onto the raised boulder she often used. It had been a while since she had called a pack meeting, but she knew the members of her pack where doing well. She had seen a lot of activity from then, with scouting and border patrols. She had seen and was proud with what a lot of them had been doing.

That, and with the influx of puppies, she knew this was the right move. She had spoken to Rhyme already and he appeared before she called the meeting. She nodded her head to him, scooting over to give him room on her platform.

With Rhyme beside her, and the scent of puppies on her coat, the alpha would raise her head and call to her pack. She would summon them for a meeting, a chance to give news and promote apprentices, to announce a challange. She was going to look forward to this. She fully expected Rhyme to add his howl to hers as her song hit every corner of Abaven terratory.


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