
And the Cat's in the Cradle

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
01-25-2019, 05:40 PM
Rhyme paced back and forth, debating about making the journey at all. He wanted to talk to his father though. Like he hadn’t been able to for years. He wanted to tell him about the children that were born into his life. Rhyme wanted to ask him how he’d coped when he’d lost himself and Rhythm. He wanted to tell him about the little boy that no one would ever meet.

Rhyme decided he would go. His emotions were still too high to want to linger, however much he wished to stay beside Shaye or Tana and watch their newborns. He had too much pent up energy, and after his third round around Abaven he headed south. The moon was high in the sky, and though it was only a sliver it was plenty to alight the night. The bed of snow reflected the minimal light and Rhyme could see everything clearly. He wished the future were as clear as the night.

He still didn’t know what he’d say to Valentine as he arrived on the border of Legion. Rhyme wasn’t even sure if he wanted to talk to him about everything. He was.. nervous? Ashamed? He always wanted Valentine to be proud of him, but he’d explored the possibility more than once that he might never make the choices his father approved of. Rhyme didn’t know who his father was really. He’d known him as a yearling years and years ago. Who had he been all that time but he and his mother’s dearest memories? He wanted the perfect man in his mind's eyes to be proud of him, was that was the reality of his father would be?

He began pacing again as those thoughts ran through his mind. His brows were furrowed and his head lowered as the decision weighed on him. He sighed softly as he finally stopped his motion. He picked up his head and peered into what had once been his childhood home. What was it to him now?