


01-25-2019, 05:56 PM
At least Halvar found some sense of calm in his brothers, amidst the chaos of the world, and that reason was mostly why their time apart hadn't been longer. As much as he liked to pretend he was independent - and the truth was that he could survive on his own - he had little interest in pursuing such a life when he had Kvasir and Aesir around. This was why he had trailed after Kvasir's scent, and why he was currently lingering near him and watching him rifle through whatever pile of oddities that he'd found. He was slow to notice his approach, but when he finally turned to acknowledge him with a bump of his shoulder, Hal found a grin breaking out over his features. "I won't try to tell you sense of direction is one of my strengths, but somehow I managed to find you," he drawled lazily, his grin only wilting slightly once their initial greeting was over.

He admitted he was looking for something useful in the rubble. Hmmmm. He leaned toward where he'd been digging, casting a curious glance at the soil and the items contained within the mess. Though he wasn't totally sure what he meant by finding something to help them here, he agreed that these lands were unfamiliar and being prepared here wasn't an altogether bad idea. A weapon wasn't a bad idea, either. A slight grin tugged at his lips yet again as he examined the rib bones more closely. "Aye, this one looks nice and sharp already," he gestured with his snout to one of the bones as he pushed it aside. "Planning a raid without me already, brother?" That slight grin widened, a hint of mischief flashing in his dual-colored eyes. His interest was captured by the skull now, though, all thoughts of makeshift weapons fleeing his head instantaneously. "Any ideas for that thing?" He thought he saw a spark of creativity creeping across Kvasir's face, and he cast him a curious glance.

"Talk" "You" Think