
Living Not Alive



6 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
01-25-2019, 10:04 PM

The time spent with her pack mate had only briefly made her forget, made it easy to push back the thoughts on her sister's death. The pack mate was now gone and Actaea was alone, completely alone. She made her way back from the plains, her walk slow as she tried desperately to keep her thoughts distracted. She didn't understand why that task was growing more and more difficult. She hadn't returned to Acere or Ignis, but instead wandered.

Questions began to resurface, worries began to swim within her mind. She grimaced before tossing her gaze to the sky to observe the stars and to try and connect the stars to create shapes in the sky. It managed to work, for about 5 minutes. Grunting she quickened her pace and darted her gaze around searching for something else. She would continue this, find something to occupy her then when that quit working look for something else.

She felt she had to, that it was the only way to get past this hurricane of emotions threatening to take over. She was hoping to just bury it, lock it away because she didn't know how else to properly deal with it. What happened on the mountain and Ruina was no longer talked about, Uncle didn't allow it and she was able to simply bury that. She had to just had to bury this pain.

This went on for a while before she ran out of distractions and the emotions blew forth with such power that it made the young girl snarl while she pressed her head into the trunk of a tree. Gritting her teeth as tears once more began to drain from her eyes. She growled in frustration and in pain glaring at the bark with such intensity. She was by the roaring rapids at this point and they were so loud that hopefully no one could hear her growling and snarling.

Her body shook before she rocked backwards and shifting her head. Snarling her white teeth were bared before she began snapping onto the bark and ripping and shredding any pieces she could get a hold of, displacing her frustrations on the tree.

"speak" & 'thoughts'

Boris the Boar and Lorenzo the opossum are assumed to be with her at all times.

Note: I do not have a reference of her scars yet, please refer to her appearance section of profile to read about them