
Burn it down

Gargoyle I


07-12-2013, 09:37 AM

Laugher? The scrawny creature dared to reply with laughter? What about a young girl's humiliation and pain was funny? Gargoyle didn't stiffen, he didn't raise his hackles, he didn't even narrow his eyes this time. He was far too furious to give any sign. A moment more and he would attack without warning- sending sand flying into the air as he went for the cretan's throat and pinned him down until he had strangled out apologies. But then the laughing ceased. Gargoyle waited - by all appearances, calmly - for an explanation of the mirth. After a long wait, he didn't really get one, jut a statement against the black male and what seemed to be a look of digust. So perhaps the laugh had been some insider's joke. A cackle at the black Alpha's expense. Gargoyle pieced together his shreds of inner composure. Only the other week he had ripped the life of a rogue female he'd caught in the middle of clawing a new packmate. No questions, no warnings, no words, no chance for explanation or apology, he'd mowed her down like the roadkill she was. He wasn't even sure if the death blow - was her spine breaking as he plowed into her, or all the ripping his teeth did to her neck. He never went back to check. The northern scavengers were left to feed on her carrion.

All wolves had their dark side, and 'killing' was Gargoyle's. He still enjoyed it a bit too much. But he knew this weakness and tried to stay away from it. His anger was not easily roused, but a surefire to make sparks was to find pleasure in his family's pain. And once the northern drake's anger was ignited, it could only be put out by blood. In the end, he supposed that he and a wolf like Kaios had some traits in common, and perhaps this was why he wasn't killing himself trying to get revenge. It was indeed an odd shade of grey that the Chief was forced to walk in.

But his attention was diverted by the male's question. Asking again for the name of the pack, Gargoyle had mentioned. "Tortuga." Was the simple, unadorned answer. "But," he added in a low rumble. "It's likely we shall not stay long in the area. I don't like to keep my family on the sides of a dormant volcano." With good reason. He remembered the last one.