
Late Fall Cleaning



10 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - LesbianBeeventVolcano
01-26-2019, 11:36 AM

Though she'd wanted to wait to find the perfect pack, whether it be a revival of Yfir or something else that called to her, she'd decided that following Valdis hadn't been such a bad idea after all. At first she'd settled on the idea because she'd been fond of the lands that Enrico had claimed in the north, but now? She'd come farther south to stay with her, much father than she'd ever been comfortable staying for an extended period of time, and now.. here she was. Perhaps she shouldn't complain so much, lest Valdis feel guilty for asking her to come in the first place. That wasn't her intention at all. A slight smile tugged at her lips at her friend's assessment of Chaos, nodding. While she hadn't gotten the unpredictable vibe from him during their brief conversation, Valdis knew him much better than her.

She explained it'd been a mountain lion, and that sudden surge of overprotectiveness quelled slightly. She'd have to find some herbs for her today after their talk, perhaps something to apply to the wound itself and maybe some for her to take internally to ensure no infection set in. The wound was not an awful one but she still would rather it get looked it. But Valdis admitted she had something else she wanted to talk to her about, and curiosity wove itself onto her features as she pulled back slightly to eye her. She was at a loss for what it could be. Perhaps she wanted to forge a different route for herelf? Had Asvor joined her down here only to be forced to take another path again? The worries suddenly swarmed her brain, but what she hadn't prepared herself for was for what she actually had to say.

'I think I'm in love with.' Asvor was stunned. Not the most eloquent woman, she wasn't sure exactly quite how to respond, but luckily Valdis filled the silence by talking. She hadn't taken the time to figure out (at least in proper words) what she thought of Valdis, but the answer seemed suddenly obvious. She'd met her when she was little more than two years old, still largely naive in the ways of the world but she remembered being instantly drawn to the kindred woman - and somehow they'd continued to find one another even when they lived on opposite sides of the continent. Not one built for trusting others, somehow Valdis had found a way of sneaking behind the walls she'd built up around her with much effort. She was, without a doubt, the only person she trusted fully outside of her family. If that wasn't love, she wasn't sure what was. Valdis's slight panic was obvious, and palpable, and for once Asvor's reserved demeanor also seemed fairly shaken up suddenly.

"I feel the same way,"  she started, voice quiet at first as she tried to find the words she wanted to say. "I don't think I've ever done something like for anyone else, but this move... the thought of being without you again was painful. I didn't want to come, but I wanted to be with you far more." The weird, misplaced feelings that had been rattling around her brain suddenly seemed to make much more sense. The way their brief moments of affection had made her feel made even more sense now. "I love you too. I want to be with you. If it's here, we'll make it work." Saying this suddenly felt right, even if she wasn't quite sure what loving Valdis entailed. Protecting her? Working beside her? Caring for her? She could do all those things, and even when they were apart she felt compelled to find her eventually. Things had felt right since she'd been together again, even if their relationship hadn't (until this point) changed much at all. Encouraged by her words, gently she pressed her nose to Valdis's cheek in a brief moment of affection. "I think I've felt this way for awhile, but I wasn't quite sure how to tell you."