
Blow it all on hookers and coke



5 Years
01-26-2019, 09:24 PM
It took four whack's, each one sending vibrations through the stick, through her teeth, and rattling her brain. The fact she had cut of her sight by closing her eyes helped herself from getting a lot more dizzier. When she heard the shrieking scream she stopped and tried to regain herself as fast as possible. She could hear the fight between the two. Then Chaos yelled to catch him and her green eyes popped open. Searching for the lynx and when she spotted it she tried to run after it. Her run started off looking a bit like she was drunk, but soon her vision would clear and her path would straighten as she chased after the creature.

As she closed distance the Lynx knew that he couldn't possibly outrun her with his wound and turned around to face her. At the last second she veered sharply left as he attempted to strike out at her, missing his claws. Pivoting on her back legs she turned to face him quickly and launched herself at him with jaws bared, aiming for a bite just as he re-positioned to face her. Her muzzle angled downward as she aimed to grab a hold of the back of the cats neck. As she did so the Lynx launched upwards and as she got her bite mark he managed to land his claws across the front of her shoulder blade and drug them across towards the left shoulder.

Delaney didn't stop to give the pain a chance to alter her attack as she locked down on the back of the Lynx's neck. Violently she shook the Lynx and threw it into the ground. With his lung injury the Lynx took to long to recover from the slam to the ground and Delaney was able to latch her jaws around the lower part of it's neck to end it's life by pinching the airway with her upper teeth and her lower teeth piercing the jugular to swiftly end his life. She stayed there with her tight grip until the body went lifeless and then she began to drag it back to Chaos. She could feel the warm blood oozing from the laceration from the Lynx's claws, but she knew she would heal.
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[Image: TxH2KFf.png]