
Midnight Tracking



7 Years
01-26-2019, 09:48 PM (This post was last modified: 01-31-2019, 09:30 PM by Typhon.)

Why the hell was he being so awkward? He was an Abraxas, and she merely a mortal. Surely he should have no issue talking to her, let alone checking in on her when she strayed from their borders. He couldn't help but shake the feeling that he was being a bit overprotective, but something else that he hadn't realized until now hit him suddenly - her scent was different, much more appealing than he remembered. Perhaps that was why he'd trailed after her? The way she briefly looked away was misinterpreted by him as disinterest, if but for a moment... but the way she smiled and wagged her tail made him reconsider his initial assessment.

Briefly in inhaled as he moved closer, wondering just why her closeness was making his insides feel like they were on fire. The feeling was an instinctual one rather than anything he could wrap his head around. What Typhon did know was that the way she was looking at him now was different than the ways she'd looked at him before, and the look - coupled with her suddenly impish smile - ignited a white-hot warmth inside him. The sudden way he felt entranced by her was intoxicating, and he didn't care fight it. Perhaps this was the will of God after all, just as Malleus had spoken to him about, interpreting Ashiel's visions. This was his role when it came to their family and doubting it further seemed foolish when every ounce of him was suddenly drawn to Zinnia like a moth to a flame.

"Perhaps.. we ought to make the most of our time away from packlands, since no one's around to hear us," Typhon suggested, mirroring her flirtatiousness as best he could. Being affectionate in any way wasn't really his strong suit, but it seemed somehow easier with Zinnia. "I mean.. if that's what you want.." Testing the waters, he crept forward a bit to press his nose to the side of her neck, nipping lightly at her fur. Worst case scenario, he'd misread her signals entirely, but he had an inkling that she wouldn't deny him... not that he wanted to do anything without her full consent. He had never learned to be quite as domineering as his family members, no matter how hard he'd tried, and Zinnia had earned a spot in his guarded heart.

© argent 2017