
Guided By My Compass



9 Years
Dragon Mod

Treat 2019
01-28-2019, 12:38 AM (This post was last modified: 01-28-2019, 12:39 AM by Helena.)

She has traveled far and wide, seeking out her beloved children that had left long before her. Initially, she didn't have the idea of leaving her kingdom, but a mother's worry eventually drove her to go forth and find them. To make sure they were alive and well. Her little princes and her princess were everything to her, and god strike down any who dared harm them. She missed them greatly, and could not rest comfortably until she knew they were safe and taking care of themselves. During her journey, however, she had contracted the flu somewhere along the way. More than likely from one of the rogue bands she had mingled with so she could get here. While they were friendly folk, she simply couldn't stay with any one band for very long. She jumped from one to another both for protection, as well as guidance to get to these lands. Some said they had seen wolves who appeared similar to her, and after she heard their descriptions then she knew she was on the right track.

She had been in one gypsy band the night before, and it would be the last band she roamed with now that she was here. She was tired, her body sore and aching from the effects of the flu she had been fighting off the past week. She was glad the gypsies were kind enough to share their medicine with her, but now that she was on her own, she needed to find her own medicine to eradicate the remainder of it. She moved gracefully through the gulley, body brushing past wilting ferns desperately trying to fight the winter cold. She shivered a bit, but she dares not rest until she found some medicine to take before bedding down to rest. She didn't think she'd even be able to sleep right now with the aching and restlessness in her legs. She wanted desperately to find her children, for in her soul she knew they were close. On top of that, she was in season. Which made her feel a bit worse when she was sick.

The scent of something familiar caught her attention, ears perking and crown rising. She smelled Lavender, and that was one of the few things she needed to help her. At least if she wanted to try and get some rest, anyway. She followed the scent, carefully weaving her way among the last bit of foliage that clung to the earth in it's desperate fight to survive the winter. She wondered what this place looked like in the spring time, but that wonder was brief since her eyes soon found what she was looking for.

With a sigh of relief, Helena walked forth until she was beside the plant. It's soothing scent was already working its magic, but she needed more than just that. She inspected it, making sure it was still good to use and checking it for signs of disease. Once she found it was all clear, she began to gently and carefully dig at its base so she could carry it to a safer (and warmer) spot. Once she dug just enough to pull it out, she gathered what she had and went in search of shelter.

It did not take very long for her to find it. An old abandoned den that seemed unused for a very long time would be her shelter. She ducked inside, grateful to have some respite from the cold that plagued these god forsaken lands. She lied down, facing the den entrance to keep an eye on potential intruders before placing the lavender on her forepaws. Carefully, she began to strip some of the flowers off of the stalk, carefully eating the bits and pieces that she knew to be most useful and she was careful not to let any go to waste. Had she the materials, she would have made a tea or oils to further soothe herself, but alas...she was alone in lands uncharted by her own paws.

The woman wondered then, if she would be able to find what she needed to at least make the oil... but as she gazed outside, she could feel the soothing effects of the lavender already. She felt relaxed in some form, and she wasn't too keen on going back out into the chilly air. She was content for the moment, a sigh escaping her lips as she rested her head on her forelegs and just listened to the silence. She figured that after she got a little rest, she would go find some more medicine, recover, and resume her search for her missing children. Ever since she left on this journey, hardly a moment went by that she didn't think of them...

A low whine bubbled in her throat, ears flattening slightly. There was nothing she could do until she found them, but she could not do that very well if she let herself get worse to where she was too sick to travel. With that in mind, she ate some more lavender to help with her stress and to calm her anxious mind.

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