
Just like you, like me, like everybody else



07-12-2013, 01:00 PM

Sasori waited quietly for the male to come to his verdict. Finally after a lot of thinking it seemed as though he came to a conclusion. Roberto nodded his head enthusiastically and with much vigor in his voice he agreed to accompany him. If he'd been any other wolf he would have smiled at the thought, for it brought him pleasure to have a student. It wouldn't be his first time teaching someone, but it would be his first full time apprentice. Especially since the male was older than what he was used to teaching. Back in his old home he'd taught pups. Whelps that needed instruction at a young age. His training was coming late, but it would still arrive. It's probably just take him longer to learn things. The younger were more impressionable. Then again Roberto didn't seem completely hopeless.

"Sasori Nara. Glad to have you join me Roberto. If there's no other reason to be here then shall I take you to my home?"

Sasori normally wasn't one to share where he dwelled, but the island that he had taken residency on was absolutely perfect for training him. He wold dabble in herbs and medicines, learn things about fighting and hunting, and learn about many types of wildlife. First he had to know if the male could swim there first. It wouldn't be easy. One false move and the current would suck you under and drag you to jagged rocks. From there you'd be battered to bits. He couldn't help but wonder if he could handle it. He made a mental note to take him when the tide wasn't as bad. It'd be easier. He wouldn't test him that harshly. Not so early at least.
