
I'm just the homewrecker now



4 Years
Extra small
01-28-2019, 02:32 PM
Tana had learned about the fact that she was just the other woman in Rhyme's life. That she was basically the one that would be left behind eventually. Vail claimed Rhyme was a bad guy but Tana had seen him at his best and worst, she couldn't "see" him as anything but the man who had saved her and that she loved.

The pups were fed and asleep as she had slipped out. She had stopped by and asked Vail if she would watch them for a while while she went and took a walk. Of course no one knew that she was leaving except the companions on her back. She had to get away. He was constantly coming in and she was pretending that she didnt know, but the scents were there. 

It hurt more than she had thought. No one knew that in the pack at her side was one of the pups. Noir was packed with a few furs she had wallowed on to ensure that her scent was there to help keep him quiet. She couldn't bear to part with all of them. She knew once Vail made it to the den she would know and hopefully understand. Rhyme could just move the other two to be with his mate. They didn't have to know that she ever existed. 

He had made his choice and the woman was not about to interfere in his life. The snow storm that had kicked up would hide her scent so no one would come after her hopefully. She would move somewhere else. She steeled herself as she took a deep breath, there was no turning back. Her heart hurt that she was leaving any of her children behind but she knew she was doing what she thought best for everyone. Noir was a mother's boy and their other two would do well with anyone raising them. She stepped over the border. She wasn't going to move too far. She knew of a few small fox holes in the maw she could claim. 

She of course being a gutless coward took yet another pause as she debated this. She loved Rhyme but it hurt to play the role of ignorance, just hoping he would tell her himself. He'd had plenty of opportunities to do so. Her red cloak was pulled up over her head, being a beacon in the whiteout for anyone to find her, but she wasnt sure she wanted to be here with Rhyme right now. He had broken a promise and she didn't know how else to handle this situation.

Tana is a flighty individual, with absolutely no will to fight. She might get scared and run mid-thread, I apologize in advance for this. Its nothing against your characters, she has just had a tough past and has a hard time trusting anyone.