
Imagination Nation


01-28-2019, 11:32 PM
Her brief game of squish the imaginary berries was interrupted when a black and white guy came into view to ask if she wanted to play together. She was sure that her Momma would have told her someting about not talking to strangers, but she was too excited to have a playmate to care. Agrippa’s tail wagged as she smiled up at the man. Sure, she could probably convince her siblings to play with her or at least Uncle Ulric would. But now she got to meet someone new!

”Yeah! I’m Agri!” She didn’t like how she couldn’t say the “ppa” part of her name just right so she just skipped it all together. ”What do you wanna play? I was just pretendin’ that the snow was berries and I was smooshing them all! But we can play what ever you wanna play!” She bounced in place while she waited on his answer even though she was already imagining up her own games they could play. Bad guy and the hero, tag, hide and seek, snow fight... It was so much easier to think of stuff to do when she had someone to do them with!