
The strength of the pack


01-29-2019, 05:09 AM
Cadence was a very happy camper these days. Not only had she found her sister, and a new home, but that both seem so nice. Of course Peggy would be nice, but a year could do so much, couldn't it. So it still made her so happy. She was just getting up, digging out a small herb store in her perfect little den when the call rang out across the packlands.

Oh! Oh! Her first meeting?! She lifted her head with a small gasp, a bright smile across her face. Mud and dirt clung to her paws but she didn't even bother cleaning up. Without another thought she was off, racing across the packlands towards the call of her cousin. It didn't take too long to find the meeting site, pack wolves were already starting to gather. She didn't recognize most of them, and a quick cursory glance confirmed that her sister wasn't here. She couldn't help the small pang of disappointment swell within her chest, but she continued to smile away as she found a place in the growing crowd. She sat on her own, but not too far from the rest of her new packmates to be rude. And so she sat quietly, waiting for her first pack meeting to begin.

"Burn Baby Burn"