


01-29-2019, 02:45 PM
Hey all, so Kasdeya x Rhyme did the do and pups will be born February 9th. I'm late on putting up an adoption for this cuz I've been phone bound so here ya go!

Looking to adopt out one, maybe two if we really like more than one app. Kat and I are each taking a pup, two males named Zagan & Iroh. Pups will be born in Risen and will not know their father, at least not anytime soon. You know the drill with the Abraxas (if you don't, I encourage you to check them out or contact fox, etc to get more info on them). Kasdeya (and the rest of the Abraxas) will raise them to be dedicated to the Fallen God, etc.

1. Names must be demonic/god themed.
2. Designs ought to be similar to the Abraxas line or a combination of Rhyme/Abraxas. Mottled markings around the eyes are common, probably won't be likely to inherit Rhyme's eye markings.  Though if you choose to make a design with it if you want.
3. No intersex chars. Sorry to disappoint, but it would more than likely be considered an abomination in their culture.
4. We reserve the right to reclaim should the adopt not be posted consistently or hasn't posted in a month, or has been set inactive.
5. Fair warning, if the pup turns out to be a little disrespectful shithead for no real reason, expect consequences. Kasdeya will handle it herself or will turn the pup over to one of the other family members to deal with. Same might go for a pup that ends up showing that it's "weak."
6. Should be of a darker alignment.
7. Pups will get a 25% discount on height up to 42" thanks to Rhyme.
8. App(s) will be selected at least a week before the playable date, unless we see an app that we like before then.
That's pretty much all I've got. Short and simple, feel free to DM me with any questions!

Available Designs

Design 1

Design 2

<b>OOC Name:</b>
<b>Character Name:</b> -- Abraxas
<b>Appearance:</b> (at least site minimum)
<b>Personality:</b> (at least site minimum)
<b>Rp Sample:</b>